Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Pick It Out (Booger on the Bedpost)

I would wake up at night, sinus aching inside
With a big crusty glob of snot congesting my mind
Should I pick it out, I could scream and shout
Hard boogers just hate hard boogers
Wanna put my finger, knuckle deep or deeper
Wiggle it around, finagle that big booger out
You'd remove boogers too if you knew this goo
I squirm squirm like a worm on a fish hook, hurt, stuck, and so impaled
I want to wimper, whine, and wail
That big blob of snot is painful
My brain is cramped and small, I think I found your wiffle ball
I read words in nasal crannies
In thick gobs of crusty braile
My nostril burns when I exhale
So calloused in my sinus
From the pick pick of my fingernail
This one looks like a carabou
Or is it more a reindeer, all it needs, a little sled
Tormented by the mucus in my head
You'd remove it too
Struck a bone in the zone, oh my nose
New breed ankylosaurus
What a find when your mind goes
Stick it where it sticks most, booger on the bedpost
Struck a bone in the zone, oh my nose
New breed ankylosaurus
What a find when your mind goes
Another booger on the bedpost

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