Sunday, July 5, 2015


This crosses "Macarena" by Los Del Rio with Italian food.

Eat!  Eat!  Have some more!
When I visit my dear-a Aunt-a Lena
She always give me a something good to eat-a
Ravioli, tortalini
She cooks it up and puts it down before me
Zeppoli, cannoli
My tummy's sore but it looks so yummy
I'm gonna tell you all about an appatizer
Follow my moves and you may eat a little wiser
Get in the groove, and then you spread it on brushetta
Hey antipasto! (Ay!)
It's a snack-a don't need a macaroni
Mix it up you've got no need to wait for dinner
They all approve, you see this dish, she is a winner
Hey antipasto! (Ay!)
Now don't you worry 'bout being hungry
My belt she's got some extra notches
Ha!  I move one notch, move two notch
The button broke so I, ha ha ha
Now come on, what was I supposed to do
She had a lasagna, and the meatballs were so nice!
Chop a tomato, add a pepperoncini
Dice an olive and cut up an artichok-ie
Mix it up with a little eggy yolkie
Hey antipasto! (Ay!)
Piece a provolone add a bit o' bocconcini
Asiago so it's a extra cheesy
Prosciutto, Salami
Hey antipasto! (Ay!)
(Ay! Ay!) (Ay! Ay!) (Ay! Ay!)
Eat!  Eat!  Have some more!
A-A-Antipasto (Ay!)
Antipasto, antipasto, antipasto, antipasto
Chop a tomato, add a pepperoncini
Dice an olive and cut up an artichok-ie
Mix it up with a little eggy yolkie
Hey antipasto! (Ay!)

Piece a provolone add a bit o' bocconcini
Asiago so it's a extra cheesy
Prosciutto, Salami
Hey antipasto! (Ay!) (Ay!)
When I visit my dear-a Aunt-a Lena
She always give me a something good to eat-a
So yummy, so yummy
My tummy hurts, I feel a little nappy
I'm gonna tell you all about an appatizer
Follow my moves and you may eat a little wiser
Get in the groove, and then you spread it on brushetta
Hey antipasto! (Ay!)

It's a snack-a don't need a macaroni
Mix it up you've got no need to wait for dinner
They all approve, you see this dish, she is a winner
Hey antipasto! (Ay!)

Chop a tomato, add a pepperoncini
Dice an olive and cut up an artichok-ie
Mix it up with a little eggy yolkie
Hey antipasto! (Ay!)

Piece a provolone add a bit o' bocconcini
Asiago so it's a extra cheesy
Prosciutto, Salami
Hey antipasto! (Ay!)

I'm gonna tell you all about an appatizer
Follow my moves and you may eat a little wiser
Get in the groove, and then you spread it on brushetta
Hey antipasto! (Ay!)

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