Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Great Spoonbender

"The Great Pretender" by the Platters refocused upon a minor superpower.

Oh yes, I'm the great spoonbender
I'm bending utensils for fun
They twist and they twine
Its with only my mind
You know I'm the talented one

Oh yes, I'm the great spoonbender
Turned down by the super heroes
I've a claim for the fame
But to my real shame
The X-Men still haven't phoned

Revealed is a feeling to shake the grief
You'll hear metal squeal
Oh, this tormented steel

Yes, I'm the great spoonbender
Just flattening things that were round
Your spoon's drooping
Take that Wolverine
Your soup is untouchable now
I'm bending the spoons all around

Revealed is a feeling to shake the grief
You'll hear metal squeal
Oh, this tormented steel

Yes, I'm the great spoonbender
Just flattening things that were round
Utensils need much more droopening
You supers are so soupless now
I'm bending the spoons of this town

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