Thursday, February 8, 2018

Vulcan Wannabe

This takes Pete Krebs and the Kung Pao Chickens rendition of "Wasting All My Love on You", and spins it with Trekkie sorrows.

Live long and prosper, it's destiny
My words are truer than true
Pasting my ears
Pasting both my ears with glue
So pointy
I'm such a Vulcan
You would see
What this stuck skin could do
I'm pasting my ears
Pasting up my ears with glue

Then I would impress your guests
When I address them
With my finger thing
I wrap lobes in those forms
Of Vulcan norms
Oh I'd use my mind meld skill
And thoughts would spill

I could be there beaming
Up a cosmic stream
My words are truer than true
I'm pasting my ears
I'm pasting up my ears with glue

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