Sunday, June 18, 2017

Plural Abnormalities

You can have a moose or a dozen moose it does not matter
Many moose or one moose is the same moose when it's said and done
But plural abnormalities
Mean more antlers in the mossy trees
And their swampy diet smells just like the lint inside my belly button

What can be deducted from this quirky lack of s's?
Like when a plane full of squid, still is the squid
So I guess they made that oxen end
When they found that foxes sound like this (bring ding ding da ding)
And the moose got gypped when they found that mice was taken

But I'll sniff it 'til the lint runs out
And if I scratch a bit in there then there's still this putty
Reminding me of the moose cud
When I breathe the belly oder well it smells like stuff
Now you didn't have to move the door
And your friends are making snickers, but I'm not a weirdo
I guess that I don't need lint though
Now I just sniff putty from my belly hole
Now I just sniff putty from my belly hole
Now I just sniff putty from my belly hole

Geese, mice, squidsheep and oxen in a room
Smell just like this putty from my belly button… ew

Now and then I think of all the kinds of plural endings
When you think about it well it really can seem kinda dumb
But it has always been that way
And what's the big deal anyway
Why don't you just let it go
And why do you sniff that putty that you picked out of your belly hole?

But I'll sniff it 'til the lint runs out
And if I scratch a bit in there then there's still this putty
Reminding me of the moose cud
When I breathe the belly odor well it smells like stuff
Now you didn't have to move the door
And your friends are making snickers but I'm not a weirdo
I guess that I don't need lint though
Now I just sniff putty from my belly hole

Some putty
My belly hole
Some putty
Now I just sniff putty from my belly hole
Some putty
My belly hole
Some putty
Now I just sniff putty from my belly hole

My belly hole
From my belly hole
My belly hole
Some putty